
Riccardo Tisci :Designer Profile

Riccardo Tisci

Riccardo Tisci

“People call me a Gothic designer, I don’t think I am… I like black, I like white. I never like what’s in the middle.”

History: Riccardo was born in Taranto, Italy to eight sisters. After graduating from London’s Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, Tisci worked for a succession of companies before signing a three-year contract with Ruffo Research. Once his contract had expired, Tisci began to work on his own collection. Shortly after, he was appointed by Givenchy as the creative director, a job he almost turned down.

Tisci’s original plan was to focus on his own fashion line, however upon finding out that his mother was about to sell her house to help his sisters, he decided to accept Givenchy’s offer. Unlike the various designers before him who succeeded Mr. Givenchy himself, Tisci has encountered great success, both critically and financially. He’s even designed the costumes for Madonna’s Sticky & Sweet tour. He has been widely considered to be John Galliano’s most likely successor as head designer of Christian Dior and as a matter of fact, it has been confirmed that he will be the new designer for Dior.

Style: Tisci’s apparent fascination with Gothic, dark, and languid touches and space-age minimalism have drawn new attention to the Givenchy brand. He himself does not consider himself to be a “dark” or “Gothic” designer and cringes at the comparison. Riccardo has an elegance that is very modern, very contemporary and romantic at the same time. Tisci’s runway presentations are highly stylized in terms of architecture and space, but also very downbeat. This is because of Tisci’s belief that a runway is a terrible place to view clothing.He hasstated that his work is very melancholic and that he loves romanticism and sensuality.

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